REVIVAL SEASON by Kyoobur9000 And/Or Gallery Show #35: See Beyond the Horizon © 2010 - 2021 The Kyoobur Company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 0:21 Estudios Zapicio de Sousa 2 0:15 Khordwood Home Video 3 0:19 [FLASHY] Triple Trippy Shores Presents 4 0:13 Fries Home Video's GOTTA GO FAST 5 0:12 NET Fanfare Enhanced with Diamond 3 6 0:05 Langley Poorstretchions 7 0:15 CBS DVD 128K 8 0:47 ViewVideo in the YPbPr Color Space 9 0:12 Virgin Vision but It's Generally Messed Up 10 0:23 RKO Pictures with Busted Speakers in Kyoobavision 11 0:20 Pyramid with the Kdenlines/Audacimator Effect Combo 12 0:20 Select Video in Kyoobur9000 G-Major 13 0:20 My Custom Diamond Backdrop in the RGB Color Space 14 0:08 Fangoria's GOTTA GO FAST 15 0:10 Spectacor Films Underwater 16 0:17 Walt Disney Audacterpiece Kdenlection 17 0:14 Worldvision with a Layer Added Every ⅙ Second 18 0:13 Cannon Films 128K 19 0:11 [FLASHY] CTE in Khord 20 0:11 Viacom V of Steel in the HSL Color Space 21 0:14 Vocodamerica 22 0:19 [LOUD] (Digital Entertainment Inc.)² + 1 = 0 23 0:13 Toppic Video with Busted Speakers in Kyoobavision 24 0:39 Spectacor Films with Layers of Diamond 3 25 0:14 [LOUD] I discover a new effect in Audacity and abuse it 26 0:13 Channel 5 Home Video Sings the CBS DVD Jingle 27 0:11 CTE Video with Busted Speakers in Kyoobavision 28 0:11 CBS Video in Kyoobur9000 G-Major 29 0:17 Khord EMI Video 30 0:20 My Custom Diamond Backdrop in the HSL Color Space 31 0:21 The Diamocito Picture Company 32 0:05 Warner Bros. Television with Crazy Colors 33 0:12 Zapertainment in Video 34 0:09 [FLASHY] WLVT 39 in Khord 35 0:11 "Kdentest Short" 36 0:25 Universal Centennial with the Kdenlines/Audacimator Combo 37 0:21 Family Films Vocoded 38 0:19 Kyoobur Network "Horizon" Logo with Crazy Colors 39 0:11 Thames Video Vocoded to Pink Noise 40 0:08 Meridian Zapped 41 0:04 Paramount Television '91 in the HSL Color Space 42 0:13 [FLASHY] Kyoobur9000 "Questar-Style" Logo in Khord 43 0:09 Kyoobur9000 "Superscript 9K" in the YPbPr Color Space 44 0:13 Random House Home Video 128K 45 0:21 [FLASHY] Family Films Khordified 46 4:14 Art Gallery Outreach Announcement 47 1:42 CBS DVD Comes Out to Show Them